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2020 is the craziest year to date and we’re buying our vaccines from China?
Philippines should not play footsie with Chinese propaganda efforts to erase negative public perception of its intentions
Umat Katolik Thailand peringati kunjungan paus dengan fokus pada orang muda
Umat Katolik di Thailand memperingati ulang tahun pertama kunjungan apostolik Paus Fransiskus ke negara itu dengan meluncurkan Tahun Orang Muda Katolik Thailand pada 22 November.
Thailand’s Catholics commemorate papal visit with a focus on youth
Year of the Catholic Thai Youth launched to help young people follow pope’s example
Singapore activist faces fine over one-man smiley face sign protest
The city-state tightly controls public assembly, the media and free speech
Mengapa orang Katolik harus peduli dengan Pemilu AS?
Pada pagi hari tanggal 4 November, twitter saya dibanjiri berita dan berbagai opini tentang pemilu di Amerika Serikat. Saya kagum melihat beberapa teman, non-Amerika dan bahkan beberapa tokoh gereja, mengungkapkan pemikiran mereka tentang siapa yang harus mengambil alih Gedung Putih.
Why should Catholics care about the US elections?
Joe Biden will soon be the second Catholic president of the United States of America
Pope Francis, world religious leaders sign ‘Appeal for Peace’
“We need peace. More peace. We cannot remain indifferent,” said the pontiff during the International Prayer Meeting for Peace.
Pope Francis calls for special attention to children’s rights
The pope also denounced those promoting abortion as an ‘essential service’ in responding to COVID-19
International church groups back calls for UN probe Philippine rights situation
Groups express alarm over new anti-terrorism law, which they say poses serious threats to civil liberties
Kardinal Hong Kong ajak umat Kristiani mempromosikan ‘budaya kehidupan’
Administrator apostolik Gereja Katolik di Hong Kong mengajak umat Kristiani untuk "meninjau kembali pemikiran tentang budaya hidup" di tengah pandemi virus corona.