Home News Here are Pope Francis’ prayer intentions for 2025

Here are Pope Francis’ prayer intentions for 2025

The pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network has released the Holy Father’s list of prayer intentions for the year 2025.

Every month, Pope Francis asks Catholics around the world to pray for a particular intention. This initiative is accompanied by a video in which the pontiff expresses the reasons why he has chosen that particular intention.

Below is the complete list of Pope Francis’ prayer intentions for the coming year 2025.

January: For the right to an education

Let us pray for migrants, refugees, and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.

February: For vocations to priestly and religious life

Let us pray that the ecclesial community may welcome the desires and doubts of young people who feel called to serve Christ’s mission in priestly and religious life.

March: For families in crisis

For families in crisis. Let us pray that broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts even in their differences.

April: For the use of the new technologies 

Let us pray that the use of the new technologies will not replace human relationships, will respect the dignity of the person, and will help us face the crises of our times. 

May: For working conditions 

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Let us pray that through work, each person might find fulfillment, families might be sustained in dignity, and society might be humanized.

June: That the world might grow in compassion

Let us pray that each one of us might find consolation in a personal relationship with Jesus and, from his heart, learn to have compassion on the world. 

July: For formation in discernment

Let us pray that we might again learn how to discern, to know how to choose paths of life and reject everything that leads us away from Christ and the Gospel. 

August: For mutual coexistence 

Let us pray that societies where coexistence seems more difficult might not succumb to the temptation of confrontation for ethnic, political, religious, or ideological reasons. 

September: For our relationship with all of creation 

Let us pray that, inspired by St. Francis, we might experience our interdependence with all creatures who are loved by God and worthy of love and respect.

October: For collaboration between different religious traditions

Let us pray that believers in different religious traditions might work together to defend and promote peace, justice, and human fraternity.

November: For the prevention of suicide

Let us pray that those who are tempted to commit suicide might find the support, care, and love they need in their community and be open to the beauty of life. 

December: For Christians in areas of conflict 

Let us pray that Christians living in areas of war or conflict, especially in the Middle East, might be seeds of peace, reconciliation, and hope. 

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