Home News This is Pope Francis’ prayer intention for the month of January

This is Pope Francis’ prayer intention for the month of January

Pope Francis’ prayer intention for the month of January is for the right to an education.

“Today we’re experiencing an ‘educational catastrophe,’ the Holy Father said in a video released Jan. 2. “This is no exaggeration. Due to wars, migration, and poverty, some 250 million boys and girls lack education.”

“All children and youth have the right to go to school, regardless of their immigration status,” he added.

The pope called education “a hope for everyone.”

“It can save migrants and refugees from discrimination, criminal networks, and exploitation — so many minors are exploited! It can help them integrate into the communities who host them.”

He pointed out that “education opens the doors to a better future.”

“In this way, migrants and refugees can contribute to society, either in their new country or in their country of origin, should they decide to return,” he said.

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The Holy Father urged the faithful to never forget “that whoever welcomes the foreigner welcomes Jesus Christ.”

He concluded with a prayer: “Let us pray for migrants, refugees, and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a more human world, might always be respected.”

Pope Francis’ prayer video is promoted by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, which raises awareness of monthly papal prayer intentions.

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