Tag: Alistair Dutton
Caritas Internationalis warns millions at risk with USAID cuts
With an annual budget of US$ 40 billion, USAID has funded humanitarian and development aid in 120 countries, especially the world's poorest
Caritas Internationalis, Caritas Indonesia push for humanitarian strategies as climate migration...
When our planet is no longer convenient to live on and our land is no longer fertile to crop, then a potential huge migration will take place
Caritas Internationalis official urges focus on overlooked crises
He noted the lack of media coverage and international focus which causes many emergencies to remain largely unseen
New secretary general of Caritas says organization ready to move forward
Dutton recognized the increasing fragility of the world, with ongoing conflicts, humanitarian crises, and the plight of millions affected by climate change and poverty
Caritas Internationalis elects Scottish humanitarian worker as new secretary general
Alistair Dutton is currently executive director of Caritas Scotland and has over 25 years of experience in the humanitarian field