Philippine religious leaders express ‘deep concern’ over nuns’ gambling scene in...
The Church leaders said they are "profoundly disturbed and deeply concerned" with how the film put the nuns in a "bad light"
Philippine religious superiors hit ‘red-tagging’ of Redemptorist missionaries
The religious superiors said they “stand with” the Redemptorists “who have always been at the forefront of serving the poor"
Philippine Church, rights groups condemn killing of 52-year-old woman by police...
TFDP said the incident is a “reflection of the culture of violence” that “emboldened police brutality and heightened impunity"
Philippines’ association of religious superiors changes name after 50 years
The AMRSP said the decision to change its name was made “to reflect the more inclusive nature” of the organization
Paus Fransiskus desak pemimpin religius Filipina mencari cara baru pewartaan iman
Paus Fransiskus mengimbau anggota tarekat religus di Filipina untuk membuka diri terhadap cara baru mewartakan Injil.
Pimpinan tarekat religius Filipina desak semua pihak hentikan perusakan lingkungan
Asosiasi Pimpinan Tarekat Religius Filipina (AMRSP) meminta pemimpin pemerintahan dan pemimpin bisnis untuk menghentikan “praktik merusak” dan menanggapi seruan untuk melindungi lingkungan.