Tag: Aung San Suu Kyi
Myanmar’s Suu Kyi ‘gravely concerned’ about coronavirus, lawyer says
Suu Kyi has been detained since a February 1 coup and is on trial charged with multiple offences, which her legal team reject
Myanmar authorities open new corruption cases against Suu Kyi
Cases Suu Kyi already faced ranged from the illegal possession of walkie-talkie radios to breaking the Official Secrets Act
Myanmar activists call for new non-cooperation campaign
They urge people to stop paying electricity bills, agricultural loans and to keep their children out of school
Cardinal Charles Maung Bo: To my dearest people of Myanmar
Peace is possible, peace is the only way, democracy is the only light to that path
Pesan Kardinal Charles Maung Bo untuk Rakyat Myanmar dan komunitas global
Saya menulis pesan ini sebagai pemimpin spiritual yang berempati dengan apa yang dirasakan oleh jutaan orang saat ini. Saya menulis kepada orang-orang yang saya kasihi, para pemimpin sipil, Tatmadaw (tentara Myanmar) dan komunitas internasional.