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80-year-old nun in Philippines posts bail to avoid arrest

Church groups said the charges against the missionary sister aim to discredit and vilify organizations working for justice and peace

Negara bagian India beri uang tunai Natal kepada gereja-gereja

Para pemimpin Kristen di negara bagian Telangana, India selatan,  menyambut baik pemberian pemerintah negara bagian sebesar 100.000 rupee (US$ 1.428) masing-masing kepada 200 gereja...

Central India state gives Christmas cash to churches

Govt officials also active in joining Christian communities during festive celebrations

Philippine Church marks year of ‘inter-religious dialogue’

Church leaders said dialogue should bring about new ways of understanding

Alam pun menanti untuk kita kasihi dan pahami

Pada suatu pagi yang cerah, saat fajar merekah, saya menyaksikan mukjizat yang sering terlupakan. Seperti halnya pada hari kerja biasa saya, di mana saya...

One of the Philippines’ oldest parishes gathers religious artifacts

Parish was the first mission station on the island of Negros after Spanish missionaries arrived during the 16th century

‘Inclusive dialogue’ needed to attain peace in Mindanao

For more than 50 years an insurgency war has been waged in the southern Philippine region

Church activates emergency response units as typhoon hits Philippines

Teams have been deployed to determine the extent of the damage in communities

North China province strictly enforces ban on minors entering churches

Village and town leaders in Hebei are physically preventing children from entering churches for Mass

Doa dan kasih adalah harta terbesar, kata Paus Fransiskus

Membuka masa Adven, Paus Fransiskus meminta umat Katolik untuk memilih doa dan berbuat kasih daripada konsumerisme. Hal itu disampaipkan paus selama Misa pertama menandai...

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