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Tag: Christians in Laos

Despite barriers, Catholic faith thrives in Laos, says CELAC President

"There are only local priests and religious because it is not permitted to have foreign missionaries on a permanent basis"

Christian families in Laos driven from their village

The incident was the latest in a string of similar assaults and legal moves against Christians in the one-party communist state

Lao Christians fearful after police report no progress in pastor’s suspected...

The lack of progress is unsettling for members of the local Christian community, who believe Pastor Sy was targeted for his faith

Officials tell Lao Christians to remove videos of attack by authorities,...

Christians in Laos have faced a string of similar assaults and legal moves against them

Christians attacked, driven from their home in southern Laos

The attack was the latest in a string of similar assaults and legal moves against Christians in the one-party communist state

Lao Christians formerly evicted from their villages still wait for new...

Christians in rural areas of Laos remain subject to discrimination at the hands of local authorities despite protection under national law

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