Tag: Church in Asia
The Long March Towards the Synodality of Hope, Peace, and Justice
"Asia is the birthplace of the world’s major religions, and it was in this region that Jesus’ message first took root."
Pope invites faithful to learn from ‘spiritual and ecclesial way of...
He says that “from the East rises the light, the sun of justice, the shining star that is Christ”
FABC 50: Time for Catholic Church in Asia to contribute to...
The Church in Asia is "young" and "growing," but "the time has come ... to make contributions also to the universal Church"
FABC 50: Asian Catholic bishops set to respond to ’emerging challenges’...
"We are aware that it is the Church's duty to protect human dignity, to promote justice … to work for peace, reconciliation, harmony"
Cardinal Bo of Myanmar urges fellow Asian Church leaders to move...
Cardinal Charles Maung Bo of Myanmar said the Asian Church “stands in front of the burning bush of existential problems of Asia”
Singapore’s cardinal-elect says ‘diversity is greatest challenge’ for Catholic Church in...
The cardinal-elect said “religion tries to use politics to gain power, politics tries to use religion to gain political policy"
Interview: Churches of Asia and synodality
Ordinary Christians must be present at the meetings toward the Synod, not only bishops, priests, religious and lay people with assigned roles
Cardinal Bo: Called to be a voice for human rights in...
His hat, or biretta, is his reminder to remain fearless in defending and speaking out for his people – the Church in Asia