Tag: Journalism
Uniting Nepali voices and cultures through journalism: An interview with Nabin...
Global Voices interviewed Nabin Pokharel via email to explore his dedication to uniting Nepalis worldwide by amplifying diverse voices
Pope Francis urges communicators to promote dialogue, human dignity
Pope Francis encouraged Catholic communicators to promote an 'ecology of communication' that emphasizes respect and care
Kashmir news portal vacates office after India crackdown
Critics have linked the shuttering of The Kashmir Walla news portal to a larger press crackdown in the disputed region
SIGNIS Asia journalism program starts on reflective note
The dynamism of media and its myriad of channels are creating an increasingly complex environment for journalists and journalism today
Journalists and truth under threat
Many professional journalists, while trying to report the news, have been arrested, jailed, and killed
Pope Francis to media: ‘Strengthen the common good’
“Let us use everything we can, especially the powerful instrument of the media, to build and strengthen the common good," said Pope Francis