Tag: Karapatan
Rights group decries ‘lighter penalties’ vs Philippine cops involved in killing...
The court convicted a police officer of homicide for the killing of 17-year-old Baltazar in an assumed case of mistaken identity
Philippine group urges international intervention amid ‘escalating use’ of anti-terror law...
Karapatan revealed that there are at least 27 political prisoners facing charges under the Anti-Terrorism Act
Rights groups decry ‘escalating’ HRVs under Philippines’ Marcos Jr.
Karapatan announced a series of protest actions across the country to mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Philippine groups renew call to surface Desaparecidos on All Souls’ Day
The groups said authorities must open military camps and secret detention centers for families searching for the disappeared
Global groups urge Philippines to ‘ensure enabling environment’ for rights workers
The groups also condemned the alleged “renewed judicial harassment” against 10 human rights workers, including church workers