Tag: Prayer
Cardinal Bo urges prayer octave for China
We should ask Our Lady of Sheshan to protect all humanity and therefore the dignity of each and every person in China, the cardinal says
Watch: ‘In the heart of God, we come before our mistakes’
See why the pope's prayer intention for March is for the sacrament of reconciliation
Watch: Pope’s prayer intention for women victims of violence
Various forms of ill-treatment that many women suffer are acts of cowardice, pope says
Pope Francis warns Christians against division, discord
Prayer for unity involves a spiritual battle both with the divisions within oneself and with the temptation of the devil, pope says
Watch pope’s prayer for January: At the service of fraternity
Pope Francis asks that we open ourselves to each other and unite, as human beings and as brothers and sisters
Those who pray ‘never turn their backs on the world,’ says...
Prayer involves love for our brothers and sisters, pope says
Pope Francis calls for prayers during difficult times
At times it seems that everything collapses, that life lived so far has been in vain, pope says
Pope prays for those suffering from addiction
Pontiff asks everyone to pray for those who suffer from addiction, especially addiction to gambling, pornography, and the internet
A prayer on the day of The Solemnity of Mary, the...
The Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God is a feast day of the Blessed Virgin Mary under the aspect of her motherhood of Jesus Christ, whom Christians see as the Lord, Son of God.
Reciting the rosary? There’s an app for that
In an age of gadgets and innovation, the Catholic Church has launched an app-driven tool to help the faithful recite the rosary, drawing interest...