Tag: Sunday Gospel Reflection
Simple loving
Loving is an action which we may hardly think about, if it does not come with a “return on investment”
The ‘wolves’ in us
Happiness comes much less from what we are committed to give, but much more from what we do not deserve to receive
An examination of discipleship
Discipleship is both an exhortation and an example of selflessness
The Spirit of Peace
Is it not an irony of history for one’s liberty to be paid for at the cost of restraining it in another?
Bearing our daily crosses
True servants of the kingdom of justice and peace “know how to sustain the weary” because they have been forsaken in the structures of sin
Sharing the gift of newness
Are we frustrating God with our persistent disobedience and our stubborn ways of selfishness?
A misplaced spiritual pride
How then can we expect to serve the kingdom of God by curing the pride of the world, if we cannot control the pride of our own churches?
The centrality of the heart
A totality surrendered for the sake of, and in gratitude for the graces of infinity; this is the essence of holiness
Who is my enemy?
We must learn to embrace differences and strangeness; to accept the reality of diversity, and the infinity of mystery
Jesus in the boat
Jesus made it a point to lead his followers into the depths in order to make a catch and be able to bring home some “fish” for food