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Tag: Xinjiang

Alibaba offers racial profiling of Uyghurs, says report

China’s ‘version of Amazon’ allows customers to be alerted any time it detects a Uyghur, report says

Big data program in China targets Xinjiang’s Muslims

Leaked list of over 2,000 detainees demonstrates automated repression

US bans cotton imports from China producer citing Xinjiang slave labor

There have been credible reports that 1 million Muslims held in camps have been put to work

Chinese foreign ministry upset by pope saying Uyghurs are persecuted

Meanwhile, activists and China watchers describe pope’s comment as overdue and that more should be said

Menlu Tiongkok kecewa karena paus singgung penganiayaan terhadap Uighur

Kementerian luar negeri Tiongkok menepis kritik Paus Fransiskus atas perlakuan pemerintah terhadap Muslim Uighur dan menyebutnya tidak berdasar, sementara beberapa aktivis hak asasi manusia dan pengamat Tiongkok mengklaim bahwa pernyataan paus sudah terlambat.

Pope, for first time, says China’s Uyghurs are ‘persecuted’

Plight of Uyghurs mentioned in upcoming 150-page book coauthored by pope

Otoritas Tiongkok menahan ratusan pemimpin Muslim di Xinjiang

Pihak berwenang Tiongkok dilaporkan telah menahan ratusan pemimpin Muslim di wilayah Xinjiang.

Chinese authorities detain Muslim religious leaders in Xinjiang region

More than 600 Muslim imams arrested in campaign of ‘extralegal incarceration’

US senators hold China accountable for ‘genocide’ against Uyghurs

Bipartisan resolution is first step in holding China accountable for their monstrous actions, US senator says

Senator AS nyatakan Tiongkok bertanggung jawab atas ‘genosida’ warga Uighur

Senator Amerika Serikat memperkenalkan resolusi bipartisan minggu ini dengan tujuan untuk menyatakan tindakan pemerintah Tiongkok terhadap warga Uyghur sebagai genosida.

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