Home Commentary D' Cosmic Flow

D’ Cosmic Flow

Ecological spirituality has become multilayered through the inspiration of Rûah Elohim. One-ing on earth has become One-ing with the cosmos. Since January 9, 2024, One-ing Prayer has cascaded into the sacramentality of all beings/things in the natural world. By November 2024, Rûah Elohim has plunged this co-pilgrim into a cosmic stream, rightly calls “D Cosmic Flow”.

Soaked in this cosmic stream, this co-pilgrim was led to verbalize “D Cosmic Flow” in a prayer which I verbalized in guiding a Jesuit into a similar experience with the following prayer.

I just want you to close your eyes.

I want you to use the power of your imagination.

Be aware of your body. Be mindful of the space within your body.

Become aware that your body is basically particles/neutrinos flowing in and out of your body-spacein and out of the chair you are seated on…

in and out of the tables, plants, laptop…

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flowing in and out of everything in this room.

At the same time, I want you to be aware of God’s Spirit, Rûah Elohim, God’s presence that is everywhere, in everyone and in everything….

God’s Spirit, Rûah Elohim, flowing in and out of everything and everyone in the Loyola School of Theology,

Experience the zillions of neutrinos and God’s Spirit,

flowing in and out of everyone and everything in Ateneo de Manila University,

in and out of everyone and everything in the Philippine,

in and out of everyone and everything in Asia,

in and out of everyone and everything in Africa, Europe, Latin America and North America… in and out of everyone and everything, the oceans, the land, the mountains, the whole planet Earth, in and out of every planet in our solar system,

in and out of every milky ways, every galaxies,

in and out of the entire cosmos and creation.

Feel grateful, feel humble, in this vast cosmos,

Feel the sense of awe and wonder arising from deep down within yourself,

Praising and glorifying God,

as you experience this cosmic flow of particles/neutrinos and God’s Spirit, Rûah Elohim. 

Feel grateful, feel humble, as the zillion of neutrinos & God’s Spirit, Rûah Elohim streams through you, in and out, all around, back and forth, in this vast cosmos,

With deep gratitude, let us glorify our Creation-Sustainer-God, Glory be to Abba, to the Son and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

With gratitude in your heart, kindly open up your eyes when you are ready. 

The daily practice of this prayer of “D Cosmic Flow” for over a month has awakened this co-pilgrim to what Pope Francis avers: the cosmos “unfolds in God, who fills it completely” so much so that  “there is a mystical meaning to be found in a leaf, in a mountain trail, in a dewdrop, in a poor person’s face’” (LS §233).

This prayer on the Cosmic Flow of the divine indwelling presence of God in all the zillions of neutrinos as they flow in and out of every-one/thing has incrementally awakened me to the mysticality of God’s divine, sacred presence in every-one/thing throughout the cosmos. At the same time, it is awakened in me the sacrality of every-one/thing due to God’s divine, sacred indwelling presence.

In the course of the day, this mantra awakens this co-pilgrim to this cosmic world which is sacramental, mystical and sacred, and therefore characterized by its SMS: “There is a SMS – sacramentality, mysticality and sacrality” in this flower, pillow, in everyone, everything, lifeforms, in my room, this campus, in this country, in Asia, this world and cosmos.

Yet the difference is notable. Sacramentality points to the revelatory character of all things/persons created – they reveal God’s divine, sacred indwelling presence. MS- mysticality & sacrality point to the inherent value (LS §69; CCC §339) of all things/persons created.

The trajectory in 2025 is that SMS will cascade into a deeper sense of mystery which a 9th Century Sufi Muslim mystic-poet, Al-Khawas declared: “There is a subtle mystery in each of the movements and sounds of this world. The initiate will capture what is being said when the wind blows, the trees sway, water flows, flies buzz, doors creak, birds sing, or in the sound of strings or flutes, the sighs of the sick, the groans of the afflicted…” (EVA DE VITRAY-MEYEROVITCH [ed.], Anthologie du soufisme, Paris 1978, 200).

The cosmic core of this mystery is a “deep One-ing” as stated in Laudato Si’: “in each of these sublime realities is God”.[161] This is not because the finite things of this world are really divine, but because the mystic experiences the intimate connection between God and all beings, and thus feels that “all things are God” [162] (LS §234). 

Jojo M. Fung SJ
Loyola School of Theology, Q.C.,
Tuesday, December 10, 2024.

Fr. Jojo M. Fung S.J. is a board member of Sacred Springs: Dialogue Institute of Spirituality and Sustainability and a member of Laudato Si’ Asia-Coalition of Culture of Care, Resilience and Ecological Justice (LASIA-CAREJ) in partnership with Asian Sacred Wisdom (ASW). He is an associate professor of systematic theology at the Loyola School of Theology, Manila, and a founding member of ROOTS: Catholic Network Among Indigenous Peoples of Asia.

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