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Rethinking the God that never was

As Christians, our involvement with the courageous Jesus will hopefully give us the impetus to recover the reality of this loving and compassionate Spirit

Why choose God?

Earthly matters may constitute our everyday reality, but we cannot ignore our spiritual needs

Bahasa Indonesia | LiCAS.news

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Our Lady of Fatima portrayed: Philippine parish unveils nation’s biggest altar mural

Events at Fátima gained fame due partly to elements of prophecy and eschatological revelations

New law to protect Thai fishermen seen boosting child labor

Clause conflicts with national law which classifies such work as hazardous, lawyer says

Imam asal Tiongkok soroti ‘kemerosotan’ Gereja meskipun ada kesepakatan Sino-Vatikan

Seorang pastor Katolik dari Tiongkok mengecam situasi memburuk yang dihadapi Gereja di negaranya meskipun Beijing telah menandatangani perjanjian sementara selama dua tahun dengan Vatikan.

‘Lower caste’ Catholics in India seek representation in Church’s power structure

India’s Constitution officially abolished caste distinctions in 1949 but its enduring legacy of discrimination continues, including in the Church

Paus Fransiskus akan terbitkan ensiklik baru tentang persaudaraan manusia

Paus Fransiskus akan menandatangani ensiklik baru, yang merupakan yang ketiga selama masa kepausannya, pada 3 Oktober nanti, bertepatan dengan pesta Santo Fransiskus dari Assisi.

UN rights body urged to recognize ‘right to a safe environment’

Most of nature’s contributions to people are not fully replaceable, and some are irreplaceable, groups point out

Kardinal Hong Kong ajak umat Kristiani mempromosikan ‘budaya kehidupan’

Administrator apostolik Gereja Katolik di Hong Kong mengajak umat Kristiani untuk "meninjau kembali pemikiran tentang budaya hidup" di tengah pandemi virus corona.

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