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Tag: Children

Pope Francis calls for prayer for suffering children due to conflicts

According to the United Nations Children’s Fund, Israel has been responsible for the deaths of over 13,000 children in Gaza

A pilgrimage of the heart, being welcomed and blessed in Bendum

My journey in Bendum was not just a volunteer experience; it was a profound pilgrimage of the heart that reaffirmed my faith in humanity

Pope Francis explains mystery of Holy Trinity to 50,000 young people

"We pray to God, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. How many 'gods' are there? One in three persons"

Heatwaves put millions of children in Asia at risk: UN

Global monitors have warned that 2024 is shaping up to be the hottest year on record, marked by climate extremes

Minority of East Asian adults view childbearing as societal duty for...

The decision to have children should lie with women, moving away from traditional beliefs about societal obligations.

Pope Francis to young people: ‘Christ is alive and he wants...

“For you have received a great mission: to bear witness before everyone to the joy born of friendship with Christ,” Pope Francis said.

The demographic winter is also coming to South Asia

If it continues to proceed, in 2100 only 6 countries in the world will still reach a fertility rate of 2.1 children per woman

WYO4Children: Fostering growth through music and art for orphans in Vietnam

The World Youth Orchestra was founded on Sept. 15, 2001, serving as a beacon of cultural diplomacy and peacekeeping efforts

Pope Francis to the world’s children: ‘If we really want to...

“Our world will change if we all begin with these little things, without being ashamed to take small steps, one at a time,” the pope expressed

‘Learning and growing at an IP center is a step closer...

This learning equips students with craft-making skills that can be used to earn a living or even start a business in the future

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