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Tag: China

Cultural Revolution redux? Buddhist pagoda, temple destroyed in China’s north

Authorities claimed the structures had been 'built without approval'

Underground Christian sect members meet torturous fate in Xinjiang camps

Extreme abuse employed to force detainees to give up their faith

China’s internal security force on frontlines of Hong Kong protests

The paramilitary People's Armed Police presence in Hong Kong is as many as 4,000 personnel

China expels American journalists as spat with US escalates

Tit-for-tat measure highlights deepening row between Washington and Beijing

Trafficked ‘brides’ stuck in China due coronavirus after fleeing abuse

Chinese men typically pay brokers between $10,000 and $20,000 for a foreign wife

‘Betrayed’ by Tiananmen lies: The awakening of Vicky Xu

From 'dutiful child of China' to intrepid investigative journalist, Xu has made it her mission to expose the sins of her homeland

Vietnam mimics China in forced televised confessions

'Poor human rights record' makes it difficult to determine actual number of victims

Press freedom group releases top 20 ‘digital predator’ list

Reporters Without Borders says pepetrators' ‘activities are tantamount to preying on journalism’

Hong Kong church streams Mass online to prevent coronavirus spread

Many churches have taken their services online due to the rising number of coronavirus cases

Turning a blind eye to forced organ harvesting in China

A tribunal in London found the practice in China against prisoners of conscience to be a near-genocidal crime against humanity

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