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Tag: Climate Change

Hell or high water: Filipino schools lashed by climate extremes

Preparing for disasters is also key. The Department of Education has said it will invest in insulation, shading and ventilation systems

Climate change exacerbates poverty in vulnerable Asian communities, says Gariguez

The priest called for a concerted global effort to address the severe challenges posed by climate change and poverty in Asia

Fossil fuels dependency exacerbates Pakistan’s power crisis

Another critical factor is transmission constraints, which limit the flow of electricity through specific parts of the power grid

Limited options for victims of Myanmar’s searing heat

While a lucky few can escape the searing midday heat in air-conditioned malls and cafes, most people have no such options

African leaders call for increased climate aid from wealthier nations

Somalia is dealing with political and economic difficulties, worsened by recurrent droughts and floods that damage crops

In Vietnam province, sisters teach how to adapt to climate change

Climate change is a burning issue that impacts every one of us, so we must all put in a great deal of effort into reducing this global threat

Asian bishops’ Climate Change Desk holds ecology conference in Philippines

Participants engaged in thorough discussions on prevailing climate trends and the sustainability issues facing the region

Heatwaves put millions of children in Asia at risk: UN

Global monitors have warned that 2024 is shaping up to be the hottest year on record, marked by climate extremes

Natural disasters in Mongolia grow worse and threaten the future of...

Dzud takes place in the winter due to heavy snowfall, cold winds, and extremely cold temperatures that leads to mass death of livestock

Carbon credit scheme sees Indigenous Cambodians harassed, evicted: report

Chong Indigenous villagers said while they support preservation, the project restricted their ability to farm, forage, and collect firewood

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