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Tag: Easter Sunday bombing

Five years later: Sri Lanka still seeks justice for victims of...

Probes, including the Malalgoda report and findings from various commissions, which have failed to bring about substantial resolutions

Church in Sri Lanka to begin canonization process for hundreds killed...

Some 216 Catholics from two different churches, St. Sebastian and St. Anthony, “were massacred in cold blood” in the attack.

Sri Lankans mark anniversary of Easter bombings with protest

The protesters reiterated calls for the government to uncover the truth behind the 2019 attacks

Sri Lankan cardinal calls for ‘human chain’ to demand truth about...

Cardinal Ranjith has questioned the government’s narrative of attacks and has consistently called for an international investigation

Catholic Church in Sri Lanka continues to seek justice for 2019...

The Catholic Church is one of the few institutions that has “the wherewithal” to take on the Sri Lankan government in pursuit of justice

Cardinal Ranjith of Colombo welcomes court ruling on Easter bombings

The court ruling was issued on January 12 following a lawsuit filed by 13 families and local Church leaders

Supreme Court rules Sri Lanka’s former president failed to stop Easter...

It is the first time that a head of state in Sri Lanka has been held responsible for failing to prevent a terror attack

Catholics in Sri Lanka call for boycott of Christmas events organized...

"We have suggested to the bishops to use this moment as an opportunity to express the pain and displeasure of the Catholic community"

Catholic Church in Sri Lanka hands over new homes to families...

"It is a very happy time," said Dharshani Weerapathran, a Tamil beneficiary, during the hand-over event attended by Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith of Colombo

Cardinal Ranjith of Colombo vows to continue fight for victims of...

The cardinal urged the country’s new president to look into allegations of political conspiracy behind the attacks

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