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Asia’s highest honor given to four individuals for ‘transformative work,’ ‘inspiring...

"Asia is a region teeming with seemingly ordinary people who are capable of doing extraordinary things"

Pope Francis says dialogue ‘slow,’ but only way forward with China

In the America Magazine interview, published Nov. 28, Pope Francis emphasized dialogue “up to the point that is possible”

Korean bishop stresses urgent need for ‘reconciliation,’ ‘forgiveness’

“No interest or political relationship should prohibit interfaith dialogue and exchanges”

Dreams of wealth turn to dust for Qatar migrant workers

Drawn by the prospect of making more money than they could ever hope to at home, migrants make up nearly 90 percent of Qatar's population

Holy See expresses regret over installation ceremony of bishop in China

The Vatican statement said "the civil recognition of Bishop Peng was preceded … by prolonged and intense pressure by the local Authorities"

Catholics in Indonesia open emergency response centers to help earthquake victims

The social action arm of the Catholic Church across the country has set up stations in parishes, including kitchens and clinics

Pope Francis prays for Indonesia earthquake victims

An estimated 13,000 people have been displaced by the destruction caused by the temblor as rescue workers continue emergency efforts

Cardinal Tagle says decision to reorganize Caritas ‘a call to walk...

Cardinal Tagle assured that the decision is "not about sexual harassment or sexual abuse …. This is not about, again, mismanagement of money"

Cardinal Tagle stresses importance of stories, storytelling in shaping one’s life

"Even if telling stories comes spontaneously to us, some factors can suppress storytelling," warned Cardinal Tagle

Photos: The ‘giants’ of the Philippines

The "Higantes" Festival is held annually in Angono town in the Philippines, where hundreds of giant papier-mâché puppets are paraded

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