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Tag: Hong Kong

Hong Kong High Court finds 14 democracy activists guilty of subversion

Western countries including the United States and Britain have criticized the security law as a setback for freedoms in the city

On World Press Freedom Day, journalists across Asia continue to face...

In areas controlled by rebel forces, it can be easier to get information, but there are only limited protections for journalists

Hong Kong’s tech city will destroy key wetland for birds: experts

The department will now "review in detail" the assessment and comments "raised by the public," before making a final decision

Minority of East Asian adults view childbearing as societal duty for...

The decision to have children should lie with women, moving away from traditional beliefs about societal obligations.

Hong Kong prelate invites faithful to seek strength on Easter amid...

“What is needed is our faith in the triumph of good over evil in due time, following God's omniscient plan,” he said

Hong Kong: ‘exemplary’ punishments for 2019 while the national security law...

In recent days, concerns have been expressed about its impact on religious communities, for example regarding "confessional secrecy"

Hong Kong bishop: Christianity and Taoism share the same values

The prelate emphasized the importance of openness towards other cultures and religions during a conference on interreligious dialogue

Freedom of religion is ‘deteriorating’ in Hong Kong, new report says

There are several Chinese Communist Party (CCP) initiatives that indicate the party wants to take away Hong Kongers’ freedom of religion

Cardinal Zen: Fiducia Supplicans ‘creates confusion’; suggests Fernández should resign

Zen’s statement adds another prominent voice to the widespread criticism that Fiducia Supplicans has received

Man jailed for three months for wearing ‘seditious’ shirt with protest...

In the city’s first national security trial, the courts determined that the phrase could incite others to commit secession

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