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Caritas Bangladesh holds online prayer service for peace in Ukraine

Catholics from all over Bangladesh joined the online event, which was the local Church's response to the call of Pope Francis for prayers

Manila Cathedral lights up in Ukraine’s colors to show solidarity

'May weapons be silenced! God is with peacemakers, not with those who use violence,' read a social media post of the Manila Cathedral

Catholic, Protestant Churches in India call for ceasefire in Ukraine

"We believe that we have a responsibility to pray for the transformation of leaders who take up arms in anger or revenge"

Vatican ‘ready to help’ negotiations with Russia, says Cardinal Parolin

The Vatican has followed the events in Ukraine "constantly, discreetly," as it expressed willingness to facilitate dialogue

Christians across Asia condemn attack on Ukraine, appeal for peace

“We cannot ignore the pain that another pandemic of egoism and hegemonic mentality is inflicting on our world,” said Bishop Chow of Hong Kong

Vatican laments ‘tragic’ invasion of Ukraine by Russia

“The tragic scenes which everyone feared are unfortunately becoming reality,” Cardinal Parolin said in a video statement on Feb. 24

Pope Francis reiterates call for international community to help Myanmar

“We cannot look away from the suffering of so many brothers and sisters. Let us ask God in prayer for consolation."

Archbishop of Karachi urges Catholics in Pakistan to be instruments of...

The prelate said Catholics, through their actions, should unite and continue on the path of peace in their families and communities

Pope urges peace at New Year, says hurting women insults God

"Let's go home thinking peace, peace, peace. We need peace," said the pope

Pope Francis’ ‘Urbi et Orbi’ message for Christmas

'There is the risk of avoiding dialogue, the risk ... (of) taking shortcuts rather than setting out on the longer paths of dialogue'

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