Tag: Pope Benedict XVI
Mass booklet for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s Requiem Mass
Pope Francis presides over the funeral of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on Thursday, Jan. 5, at 9:30 a.m. (Central European Time) in St. Peter’s...
[LIVESTREAM] Recitation of the Rosary & Solemn Requiem Mass for Pope...
Unprecedented in the history of the Church in modern time, Pope Francis celebrates the funeral of his predecessor - the first time a pope has done so since 1802
Unburdening +Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI
"We are all called to open ourselves to this friendship with God … speaking to Him as to a friend"
New chapter for Pope Francis after death of Benedict XVI
Benedict's death "ends a misunderstanding in which (Joseph) Ratzinger could be used as a standard by Francis's opponents"
Benedict XVI’s theology summed up by his last words, says theologian
“He’s really the theologian of personal encounter with Jesus Christ"
Pope Francis: Benedict XVI brought us to ‘encounter with Jesus’
“His acute and gentle thought was not self-referential, but ecclesial, because he always wanted to accompany us in the encounter with Jesus”
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s spiritual testament
Each pope writes a spiritual testament to be made public only after his death
Death of Pope Benedict XVI makes it to website of China’s...
The news of Benedict XVI’s death was taken from the official communication on the pontiff’s death released by the Holy See
Funeral of Benedict XVI: Everything you need to know
“The express request on the part of the emeritus pope is that everything be simple with regard to the funeral"
Hong Kong court allows Cardinal Zen to attend Benedict XVI’s funeral
A magistrate ruled that the 90-year-old cardinal is allowed to leave Hong Kong for five days for the January 5 funeral of Benedict XVI