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Tag: religious freedom

Myanmar conflict: a state of unprecedented turmoil and suffering, Cardinal Bo...

The conflict has already left more than 100 places of worship bombed or damaged, said Cardinal Charles Maung Bo

Bishop of Shanghai defends China’s religious freedom record at Vatican conference

The Shanghai bishop delivered a 15-minute speech in Mandarin to a packed auditorium at the Pontifical Urban University

Here are the countries that rank worst in the world in...

From this report, USCIRF makes recommendations to the State Department on how to best advocate for religious freedom

U.S. religious freedom watchdog urges White House to list India as...

US State Department defines a Country of Particular Concern as one that has engaged in or tolerated severe violations of religious freedom

Pope Francis: ‘Mongolia is a symbol of religious freedom’

Speaking 200 miles from Mongolia’s border with Russia, the pope urged: “Together let us strive to build a future of peace.”

Campaign against ‘xie jiao and illegal religion’ targets schoolchildren in China

The campaign expanded to encompass critiques of "illegal religion" and broader denunciations of religious practices as "anti-scientific."

Philippine church leaders hit ‘offensive’ drag performance

The Lord’s Prayer is “prayed by Christians in times of peace and persecution, of abundance and famine, of faith and doubt”

On controversial Philippine drag show: Respect should be the foundation

The Catholic Church teaches forgiveness and love toward all individuals, even when their actions are offensive or disrespectful

China is blocking Tibetan monks and writers from spreading religious content...

The clampdown, based on a March 2022 regulation, gives authorities additional power to restrict online content

US panel again takes aim at India on religious freedom

It was the fourth straight year that the panel has made the recommendation on India, angering New Delhi which has called the commission biased

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