Tag: Spirituality
Study shows East Asians maintain ancestral practices amid decline in organized...
It showed that many people do not identify with a formal religion but engage in spiritual activities through traditional rituals and beliefs
Pope Francis calls for spiritual harmony amid technological progress and global...
The pontiff stressed the role of religions in promoting compassion, empathy, and responsibility toward the planet and its inhabitants.
On the absence of the presence
Atheism and the phenomenon of secularization are the worst consequences of our most damaging failures as Church
On the Spirit and Spirituality
Our exponentially-growing awareness of cosmological realism has demonstrated that we are but a tiny speck of dust in a cosmic ocean
Daily Mass
In these most uncertain times, is it not appropriate we resolve this Easter to try to start participating in the celebration of daily Mass?
Pope Francis shares a spiritual life hack: Know the ‘passwords’ of...
Pope Francis said that discernment requires unlocking “the passwords of our heart”
A misplaced spiritual pride
How then can we expect to serve the kingdom of God by curing the pride of the world, if we cannot control the pride of our own churches?
Pope Francis’ advice for reigniting your spiritual life
“Today, there are many who still seek religious security rather than the living and true God," said Pope Francis
Pope Francis: ‘My intuitions, my perceptions and my spirituality’ come from...
Pope Francis has reflected on the importance of the Second Vatican Council and the influence of its teachings on his life and spirituality