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Death of Christian teen in Lahore factory sparks outcry

Saeed appealed for prayers for the end of the ongoing persecution of Christians and for their safety in Pakistan

For World Day of the Poor, Pope Francis urges Christians to...

Drawing on familiar themes of his pontificate, Francis warned against pursuing worldly goods and fame at the cost of the dignity of others

Myanmar border militia emerges as nexus in regional scam network

The militia was formed by fighters who broke away from the Karen National Union insurgent group in the 1990s and sided with the junta

Pope Francis calls for action on World Day Against child labor

He described the grim realities of children forced to work in inhumane conditions, such as scavenging in garbage dumps

Pope Francis: Keep your homilies short or ‘people will fall asleep’

Francis added that “the Holy Spirit, who inspired the Scriptures … also makes them perennially living and active.”

Hell or high water: Filipino schools lashed by climate extremes

Preparing for disasters is also key. The Department of Education has said it will invest in insulation, shading and ventilation systems

Vatican: Pope Francis speaks again about the admission of homosexuals to...

The pope returned to the topic of the admission of men “with homosexual tendencies to seminaries, reiterating the need to welcome them

Caritas Internationalis official urges focus on overlooked crises

He noted the lack of media coverage and international focus which causes many emergencies to remain largely unseen

Indonesian comedian gets 7 months jail for blasphemous wisecrack

Aulia was imprisoned after being reported under a blasphemy law that carries a maximum sentence of five years

Activists in Sarawak denounce the construction of 10 new mega-dams

The construction of these structures not only displaces entire indigenous communities but also destroys precious biodiversity

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