Tag: World Youth Day Lisbon
Pope Francis’ first World Youth Day speech: ‘God’s heart beats uniquely...
Pope Francis is scheduled to attend several World Youth Day events before he departs Portugal on Sunday night
World Youth Day unites Indian and Pakistani Catholic youths midst border...
According to Fr. Godfrey Malu of Mumbai, they had a positive interaction with young Pakistanis who were delighted to meet them
Pope Francis holds private meeting with Portuguese abuse victims
Bruni has specifically said the meeting took place “in an atmosphere of intense listening and lasted over an hour”.
‘Sail boldly into sea of evangelization,’ pope tells clergy, religious in...
The pope said that Church leaders must choose “to become fishers of men,” pulling people out of the “adverse powers” of the sea
World Youth Day 2023: Lisbon patriarch greets attendees at opening Mass
Young people from around the world have gathered in the storied European capital for five days of worship, activities, and fellowship
World Youth Day Lisbon in numbers: ‘WYD with most nationalities in...
At least 354,000 registered pilgrims showed up on the first day, with Spain as the country with the highest delegates of more than 77,000
World Youth Day: 96% of pilgrims think gatherings contribute to evangelization
WYD pilgrims consider that their Christian faith is a positive factor for maturing and being a better person, building a better world
Pope Francis speaks to young people ahead of World Youth Day...
Living his life online can become “aseptic” and isolated, the Holy Father said, adding that human contact is important
Pope Francis expected to meet with abuse victims at World Youth...
A commission investigation said nearly 5,000 children had been sexually abused by Church officials in Portugal
Pope Francis to visit Fatima to pray for peace in Ukraine
The itinerary was added to the papal pilgrimage to Portugal for the World Youth Day celebration in Lisbon on August 5