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Tag: blasphemy laws

Arrest on blasphemy charges raises alarm in Lahore’s Christian community

The incident comes as Pakistan remains a focal point on international human rights platforms for its controversial blasphemy laws

Rights group calls for justice for 76-year-old Christian in Pakistan

"The growing militancy and intolerance in society must be addressed urgently by the state," Mughal emphasized.

Pakistan’s WhatsApp death sentence case spotlights blasphemy law

Last year, at least 329 people were accused of blasphemy in Pakistan, the Lahore-based Centre for Social Justice said

Catholic prelate appeals peace and justice after mob attacks against Christians...

At least 800 homes and over 30 churches were vandalized and destroyed after a Muslim mob rampaged through the streets on 16 August

Aid to the Church in Need appeals intervention for persecuted Christians...

A source in Faisalabad said messages from mosques sent out on loudspeakers were calling on local people to “go out and kill” Christians

Pakistan Claims 400,000 Social Media Accounts Spread Blasphemy

It also reports eleven “Internet blasphemers” have been sentenced to death, and two of the sentences have already been confirmed on appeal

Jailed Christian in Pakistan released after dismissal of blasphemy charges

Father Yousaf paid tribute to the lawyers who, he said, had worked tirelessly to prove Allahrakha’s innocence.

Pakistan cracks down on ‘blasphemy through social media’

Pakistan has been witnessing a crackdown on blasphemy on social media, applying existing severe criminal legislation

Ordeal of Christian imprisoned for blasphemy in Pakistan continues

Data from the Center for Social Justice show that there were 1,949 people in Pakistan charged under the blasphemy laws from 1987 to 2021

Indonesia urged to review blasphemy article in draft Criminal Code

Civil society and human rights groups said the existence of the blasphemy article is “very worrying” in Indonesia

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