Tag: Catholic Church response
Catholic Church in Sri Lanka continues to seek justice for 2019...
The Catholic Church is one of the few institutions that has “the wherewithal” to take on the Sri Lankan government in pursuit of justice
Pope Francis grieves for victims of quakes in Turkey, Syria
The pope entrusted “those who died to the loving mercy of the Almighty” and sent his “heartfelt condolences to those who mourn their loss”
Catholic Church joins efforts to provide relief to flood victims in...
Authorities reported that one person died and three others were missing after being hit by a landslide, taking the death toll to at least 33
Catholics in Indonesia open emergency response centers to help earthquake victims
The social action arm of the Catholic Church across the country has set up stations in parishes, including kitchens and clinics
Church leaders call for compensation and climate justice
Many in the hard-hearted rich industrial countries refuse to admit and accept their responsibility and liability
Catholic Church must bring abusers to justice
There is an urgent need to fund and expand Philippine expert law enforcement action groups to investigate child abusers
Indian priest denies alleged foreign funding for protests against seaport project
Fishermen have been protesting against the construction of the seaport after the government refused to accept their demands for resettlement
Caritas Philippines deploys teams to assist quake victims as aftershocks continue
"Our social action centers are already capacitated to act accordingly," said Bishop Jose Colin Bagaforo
New book offers glimpses to how Church in Asia responded to...
“Church Communication in the New Normal: Perspectives from Asia and Beyond” gathers 20 essays by theologians and pastoral agents
Indian archdiocese to continue protest against seaport project despite court order
The High Court said the ongoing work of the seaport should not be disrupted at any cost