Tag: Catholic News
Mindanao bishop warns against ‘irregular priests’ administering sacraments
Bishop said the 'priests' are under pain of excommunication due to 'heresy, apostasy, and schism'
Cardinal Zen awarded for efforts helping China’s Catholics, Hong Kong
Wei Jingsheng Chinese Democracy Champion Prize award also for the people of Hong Kong ‘who refused to bow down their noble heads’
Wanted: Brave prophet for Manila
Members of the Filipino clergy working in poor communities say they want a 'brave, courageous prophet' to be their pastor
Known cases of sexual abuse in Indonesian Catholic churches, institutions are...
Indonesian Bishops Conference has received reports from sources detailing at least 56 abuse victims, priest says
Cardinal Tagle’s new Vatican post brings hope to Asia’s church leaders
Out of the 245 million persecuted Christians, 145 million are in Asia
Mary reminds us we’re no longer slaves to sin, pope says
Having conceived without sin, Mary is
a "masterpiece" who reflects "the beauty of God,” and offers
hope to sinners Pope Francis said during his weekly Angelus...
Cardinal Tagle: Asian Church needs to listen more to women, young...
The cardinal has urged church leaders to nurture the ‘spirituality of listening to God and neighbors, and to the signs of the times’
Indian church leader recognized for peacebuilding efforts
Healing of historic memories is supremely important in today’s world, says Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil
Kardinal Tagle: Gereja Asia perlu lebih banyak mendengarkan wanita, kaum muda
Kardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, yang baru saja ditunjuk untuk memimpin Kongregasi untuk Evangelisasi Bangsa-Bangsa, mendesak para uskup Asia untuk melibatkan lebih banyak perempuan dan...
Promoting priestly vocation to the young not an easy path
Numbers of men wishing to join the priesthood are diminishing around the world