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Tag: Conflict

Israel and Hamas at war: The conflict in numbers

In a best-case scenario, rebuilding Gaza's destroyed homes will take until at least 2040 but the process could take as long as 80 years

Pope Francis calls for prayer for suffering children due to conflicts

According to the United Nations Children’s Fund, Israel has been responsible for the deaths of over 13,000 children in Gaza

Holy See calls for enhanced protection of civilians in conflict zones

Vatican condemned attacks on civilian infrastructure and the use of indiscriminate weapons in populated areas

Thailand urged to halt forced returns and grant legal status to...

Since the Myanmar military coup in February 2021, over three million civilians have been displaced, with many seeking refuge in Thailand

Vatican’s UN Observer urges non-military solutions to global conflicts

Caccia stressed that military solutions, which have led to immense human suffering and destruction, are fundamentally flawed

Pope Francis calls for peace through embracing others

The pontiff discussed the ‘missing embrace,' noting that gestures of joy and brotherhood often face resistance or rejection

Pope Francis to Vladimir Putin: A negotiated peace is better than...

“Please, countries at war, all of them... Stop the war. Seek to negotiate. Seek peace. A negotiated peace is better than an endless war"

Pope Francis urges ceasefire and dialogue in Middle East

Pope Francis described the situation in Gaza as a humanitarian catastrophe and called for all parties to pursue negotiation determinedly

Pope Francis calls for mediation in Ukraine, Palestine, and Israel conflicts

Emphasizing the ongoing conflicts, he reiterated his appeal for peace and for the faithful to pray for "a just, lasting peace."

A museum in Cambodia offers a safe and healing space for...

The museum became an independent entity in 2023 and its team is now mostly composed of young volunteers and peace advocates

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