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Tag: Environment

Apostolic Nuncio to Thailand urges action on poverty and environment at...

Archbishop Wells called for greater advocacy efforts to influence policies that promote economic justice and social inclusion

Activists in Sarawak denounce the construction of 10 new mega-dams

The construction of these structures not only displaces entire indigenous communities but also destroys precious biodiversity

World Water Forum concludes in Bali: Major initiatives launched for global...

The Indonesian government has unveiled a US$9.4 billion initiative to fund a drinking water system and an infrastructure project

Citizens march to Kathmandu as illegal mining dries up Nepal’s rivers

In some villages in Nepal, natural water sources—also used for agriculture—have already dried up completely

UN: Over 4,000 wildlife species still threatened by illegal trafficking despite...

Corruption further exacerbates the situation, with officials often ignoring violations, allowing traffickers to operate with impunity

A Fresh Look at Nature’s Misunderstood Carnivores  — Hyenas

Protected areas and wildlife corridors are essential for providing safe havens where hyenas can roam freely and fulfill their ecological roles

Bangladesh influencers push tree planting to fight record heat

Now social media influencers are urging their followers to plant trees in a bid to make the city, and country, more liveable during heatwaves

Limited options for victims of Myanmar’s searing heat

While a lucky few can escape the searing midday heat in air-conditioned malls and cafes, most people have no such options

Hong Kong’s tech city will destroy key wetland for birds: experts

The department will now "review in detail" the assessment and comments "raised by the public," before making a final decision

SPOTLIGHT: Cry Me a River

Indigenous livelihoods swim against flow of hydropower interests in Hà Giang, Vietnam

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