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Mother Teresa: Epitomized the complete teacher

Today, a teacher is no longer an "educator" in the complete sense of the word – tasked with innumerable administrative responsibilities

Syro-Malabar Church deplores ‘fake news’ about Ernakulam administrator

“Such news by those wanting to sabotage the efforts to solve the problem through talks is highly condemnable,” the commission said

Indian nun’s short film goes international

Sister Josefina filmed the movie at St. John the Evangelist School in Marol, Andheri, where she was the principal for five years

Let’s face it

I am humbly presenting not my personal opinion, but what seems to be the mind of Jesus and the post Vatican II Church

Persecuted Kandhamal Christians now witness to faith

To protect themselves and their beliefs, thousands fled into the forests where many perished due to starvation and snakebites.

India pushes back hundreds of Myanmar refugees fleeing fighting

More than 1,000 residents of Tamu township, in northern Myanmar’s Sagaing region, fled to India’s Manipur state to escape the hostilities

Defying Papal delegate may results in excommunication, warns Indian prelate

The prelate reminded the dissenting priests that during their priestly ordination, they had taken a vow to obey the Pope and the bishops

Pope Francis renews call to stop using religion to justify violence

The violation of religious freedom has emerged as a pressing issue in countries representing more than half of the global population

Kashmir news portal vacates office after India crackdown

Critics have linked the shuttering of The Kashmir Walla news portal to a larger press crackdown in the disputed region

Consecrated life is sacrificial sharing of spiritual motherhood

"For those who feel religious life is a burden, recollect the moments when you experienced love and happiness from God."

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