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Tag: Pope Francis

Pope Francis urges ecclesial movement to focus on service

He called for a spiritual renewal among members of ecclesial movements, encouraging them to embrace humility and service

For World Day of the Poor, Pope Francis urges Christians to...

Drawing on familiar themes of his pontificate, Francis warned against pursuing worldly goods and fame at the cost of the dignity of others

Pope Francis calls for action on World Day Against child labor

He described the grim realities of children forced to work in inhumane conditions, such as scavenging in garbage dumps

Pope Francis: Keep your homilies short or ‘people will fall asleep’

Francis added that “the Holy Spirit, who inspired the Scriptures … also makes them perennially living and active.”

Vatican: Pope Francis speaks again about the admission of homosexuals to...

The pope returned to the topic of the admission of men “with homosexual tendencies to seminaries, reiterating the need to welcome them

Pope Francis urges immediate global action to provide aid to Gaza...

"Let us ensure that humanitarian aid reaches those in need promptly and without obstacles," said Pope Francis.

Pope Francis: Money, power, pleasure can enslave us

“If we let ourselves be conditioned by the quest for pleasure, power, money, or consensus, we become slaves to these things"

Pope Francis calls for stronger community bonds and continuous learning among...

The Pope pointed out that the training received at seminary is not sufficient to navigate the complexities of modern society. 

Pope Francis calls for foreign debt forgiveness in Jubilee Year

"We are now faced with a debt crisis that mainly affects the countries of the Global South, generating misery and distress"

At general audience, Pope Francis explains the correct use of Christian...

Pope Francis said the exploitation of the poor, the weak, and the environment by those richer and stronger is also a misuse of freedom

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