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Tag: Religious Persecution

Death of Christian teen in Lahore factory sparks outcry

Saeed appealed for prayers for the end of the ongoing persecution of Christians and for their safety in Pakistan

Report reveals surge in hate crimes against Christians in India

Christians faced a "threat to life" for practicing their faith in 19 out of 28 states, according to the United Christian Forum (UCF)

Pakistan’s WhatsApp death sentence case spotlights blasphemy law

Last year, at least 329 people were accused of blasphemy in Pakistan, the Lahore-based Centre for Social Justice said

Global government restrictions on religious practices hit record high in 2021,...

The Asia-Pacific region, in particular, stands out for its "very high" levels of government restrictions, with countries like China

Vatican official calls for action on global religious freedom violations 

Referencing data from the Pontifical Foundation Aid to the Church in Need, Balestrero pointed to the increasing oppression of believers

Aid group warns of violence against Christians, sees glimmer of hope...

“Over the past year, China and the United States have been working together to pressure Myanmar’s military dictatorship"

Hong Kong activist: Proposed law could worsen religious liberty, persecute Catholics

In addition to persecuting Christians, the Chinese Communist Party is accused of persecuting Uyghur Muslims and followers of Falun Gong

Tibetan monk who criticized China’s policies released from prison

There were also reports that Tsultrim was subjected to torture, forced labor, and political indoctrination while in prison

Chinese government attempts to rewrite portions of Bible, says US lawmaker

Rep. Gallagher stated that Chairman Xi Jinping is on a “quest to make the faithful serve the party rather than God.”

Chinese authorities re-arrest 61-year-old Catholic bishop 

The recent arrest has heightened concerns among the faithful, who are uncertain about the duration and location of his detention

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