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Tag: Caritas

Church offers ‘cooling centers’ to help poor beat heat as temperatures...

Heatwave mortality in India has increased by more than 60 percent since 1980, according to the country's Ministry of Earth Sciences

Caritas’ program in India’s northeastern region helps farmers battle impact of...

Caritas' program in India’s northeastern states focuses on income generation activities that strengthen agriculture and empower communities

Caritas calls for waiver of trade-related COVID-19 vaccine property rights

Caritas said it is “a basic right for every person to have access to healthcare in all circumstances, especially during pandemics”

Bangladesh Catholics reminded of service, love during ‘Caritas Day’ observance

"God created us to love people,” said the bishop of Rajshahi, adding that “true love” is when one cares and loves “those who are neglected"

Caritas in Vietnam diocese opens mobile store for poor

The Diocese of Hải Phỏng opened a mobile store to provide for the needs of the poor who have been most affected by the pandemic

Emergency response and resiliency framework

The overall goal should be to sustain empowered and resilient communities towards holistic development

Caritas Bangladesh launches golden jubilee celebrations

Caritas Bangladesh aims to gain the support of more individuals and organizations to build an egalitarian, just and peaceful society

7 Caritas workers arrested in Myanmar’s Loikaw diocese

The Caritas team was bringing humanitarian aid to communities affected by the ongoing conflict in the area when the incident happened

Caritas in Papua New Guinea unveils new logo, vision, mission statement

“The past couple of years was a time of reflection and learning following the few challenges of the past," said Bishop Jozef Roszynski

Caritas Pakistan siap membantu pengungsi dari Afghanistan

Caritas Pakistan sedang bersiap untuk membantu para pengungsi dari Afghanistan setelah pasukan Amerika Serikat menarik diri dari negara itu minggu ini.

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