Home Commentary Nature: Sacred and Spirited 

Nature: Sacred and Spirited 

Intriguing nature, 

full of nature spirits, 

populating different, bounded, diverse regions, 

enjoying variegated power-differentials, 

younger forests, trees, less power; 

older forests, stronger spirits. 

Enthralling nature, 

- Newsletter -

full of spirits, 

accompanying spirits all around me.

Rûah Elohim indwelling in all variegated, 

lifegiving spirits, 

of older and younger forests,

manifesting kind generosity of accompaniment, 

from one region to the next. 

Revealing nature, 

characterized by sacramentality, 

disclosing God’s abiding, indwelling presence, 

manifesting all creatures, lifeforms, 

as divine, sacred, in God, 

imbued with dignity, inherent value. 

Screaming nature,

Suffering imbalances, ruptures, 

due to greed-driven financialization of nature,

advocate ecological conversion from hedonistic lifestyles,

to deeper sentire/savor cum/with mundo/earth,

one-ing with all creatures, lifeforms, 

deep affective oneness with one, with all, 

nature part of me/us, I/we, part of nature.  

Honoring nature,

observe spiritual practices, 

keep the balance, 

say “no” to all earth-insensitive “-isms”,

say “yes” to acting with creations,

promote agroecology, multicropping, permaculture, 

regenerative economy, wisdom-based-driven-solutions,

set creation free from decade, dissolution,

enjoy the glorious liberty in God. 

Reverencing CEN (Creation, Earth, Nature), 

all creatures bow with choral of Allahwahbar, praises, glory 

of Creator-Sustainer-God, Aki-Kaulung, Kinoroigan, Mababaya,

identify intimately with Jesus, Bread of life, 

light of the world, living water, sheepgate.

Savoring CEN,

lead/live practice of SSS (sacramentality x 3), 

wakefully mindful, all actions, events, sounds, tastes, 

all manifest God’s everywhere-presence,

ever sustaining, sacralizing, suffusing CEN, 

God in all, over all, through all, all in all. 

Fr. Jojo M. Fung S.J. is a board member of Sacred Springs: Dialogue Institute of Spirituality and Sustainability and a member of Laudato Si’ Asia-Coalition of Culture of Care, Resilience and Ecological Justice (LASIA-CAREJ) in partnership with Asian Sacred Wisdom (ASW). He is an associate professor of systematic theology at the Loyola School of Theology, Manila.

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