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Philippines’ COVID-19 mass testing highlights effects of slow govt action
Health officials have ordered a stop to
the testing of people for COVID-19 in a village in the central Philippines
after learning that at least 54...
Philippine churches back calls for mass testing of COVID-19
Church leaders call for priority testing of vulnerable sectors, especially those living in poor communities
Filipinos go online to help front-line workers fight COVID-19
Group of young Methodists raise funds online to buy protective equipment for front-line health workers in hospitals
How mass pilgrimage at Malaysian mosque became coronavirus hotspot
Out of Malaysia's 673 confirmed coronavirus cases, nearly two-thirds are linked to the four-day meeting
Coronavirus controls increase surveillance ‘danger’
‘Govts legitimizing tools of oppression as tools of public health,’ digital rights expert says
World faces shortage of medical equipment to fight coronavirus
World Health Organization warns of price gouging for protective equipment and asks for an increase production as death toll from virus mounts
Sekolah Katolik di Bangkok ditutup setelah siswa positif virus corona
Sebuah sekolah Katolik di Bangkok ditutup setelah seorang siswa berusia 8 tahun dinyatakan positif terkena virus corona.
Perayaan Rabu Abu di Asia dihantui wabah corona
Banyak gereja Katolik di seluruh Asia ditutup pada hari Rabu, 26 Februari, saat umat Kristen di seluruh dunia memulai mas Prapaskah.
Catholic school in Bangkok closed after child tests positive for coronavirus
Parents of other students have been asked to monitor their children for symptoms on a daily basis
Ash Wednesday observance in Asia spooked by coronavirus
Fears of the spread of coronavirus led church leaders across the region to suspend Ash Wednesday rituals