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Tag: Uyghur

Uyghur woman re-sentenced for teaching youth the Quran

Heyrinisa Memet, in her mid-40s, had been previously sentenced during a crackdown in 2014 after a “terrorist attack” in Xinjiang

Uyghur college grad sentenced to 5 years in prison for disturbing...

Sayramoghli was living in Turkey when she learned that police arrested her younger brother along with three friends

Thai judge accepts Uyghur bomb suspects request for Halal food

The Uyghur bombing suspects would skip some meals because they were not provided Halal food as per Islamic principles

Xinjiang is ‘one of the most heavily policed regions in the...

There are twice as many PAP mobile attachments in Xinjiang than in Beijing, despite having only a fraction of the capital’s population

51 nations blast China over violating Uyghurs’ rights

The move comes after China was elected to the U.N. Human Rights Council for the 2024-2026 term – despite its poor human rights record

SPOTLIGHT: Western democracies grapple with how to close down China’s atrocities...

Governments sanction Chinese officials for their treatment of Uyghurs, but there seems no plan for what to do next

Tiongkok perketat aturan ibadah haji bagi Muslim

Pihak berwenang di Beijing memberlakukan aturan yang lebih ketat yang melarang ziarah haji secara pribadi oleh umat Muslim asal Tiongkok ke Mekah.

Pemimpin agama dunia desak agar kejahatan terhadap Uighur diakhiri

Para pemimpin agama dari seluruh dunia, termasuk kardinal dari Myanmar dan Indonesia, mendesak tindakan segera untuk mengakiri "potensi genosida" terhadap orang-orang Uighur di wilayah Xinjiang Tiongkok.

Media diingatkan agar waspada terhadap propaganda Tiongkok atas Uyghur

Sebuah laporan hak asasi manusia yang dirilis minggu ini memperingatkan komunitas internasional atas dugaan informasi palsu yang disebarkan pemerintah Tiongkok tentang warga Uyghur dan warga Turki lainnya.

Kelompok HAM dan buruh desak merek global hentikan bisnis di Xinjiang

Hampir 200 kelompok tenaga kerja, masyarakat sipil, dan hak asasi manusia internasional mendesak perusahaan-perusahaan pakaian dan pengecer untuk berhenti melakukan bisnis di Daerah Otonomi Xinjiang Uyghur Tiongkok di mana pekerja paksa dilaporkan terus dipraktikkan.

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